Deaaad Babies...

Austin and I laugh when we think of that "Dead Puppies" song:

(I know.. our sense of humor is ... unique)

We've been watching BSG now for a few weeks. I still haven't seen the last season, but since Austin hasn't seen any of it, I decided to refresh.

It was still early... not exactly James' bedtime, but he decided that wasn't going to stop him. By the end of the show we found him past out under the recliner. Completely out.

Amazed... and jealous. Wish I could sleep like that.
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Ethan's Birthday

Ethan turned 1!

We missed the opportunity to celebrate Evan's birthday, but we just had to go see all of our friends before they all got even older!

James had a wonderful time seeing Auntie Sarrah and playing with Evan and Ethan. He even met a few new friends.

Speaking of...

James has a new friend at La Petite. His name is Carson and they are best friends :) When one of them shows up, they lock eyes and start to scream and laugh. Their favorite thing to do is jump off the big blocks! Oh, they have such a wonderful day together. I'm so happy James has made him his friend. Carson was having difficulty adjusting to day care life. I guess he had spent a lot of time at home with his mommy. Now, him and James have fun together and learn from one another. In fact, I went to go pick James up the other day and I heard Carson chant "uh, oh, ah!"... James had been saying this for weeks, but we had no idea where it came from... now we know... we just don't know which one started it?

Silly boys.
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First Trick or Treating

James was one of the Giants players that they call Panda. We went to Grammie and Grumpie's house in Granite Bay to trick or treat.

The first house was confusing for a little panda. We climb the stairs, knock on the door, say "trick or treat", reach in a bowl, put it in the bag, say "thank you" and go back down the stairs. (I mention the stairs because they were his favorite part of the journey... I'm sure if he'd known there was candy involved, he would had shifted his focus.)

By the fourth house, he got it down. He would go up to the house and get the "stuff" from the bowl and put it in his little bag.

We only made it to about 6 houses. Enough time to see the end of the game. Of course, Austin brought a radio, just in case... plus, every house we went to, let us know the score, lol.

I am so excited about the holidays coming up. It will be the first with my new growing family :)
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Bishop's Pumpkin Farm

At work trying to sneak in a post.

We went to Bishop's on Tuesday and had lots of fun... you can tell by the tuckered out peanut on the car ride home.

He really enjoys slides. So much that we had to pull him away... and he got upset... and threw a fit... and I pretended like he wasn't my child and asked where his mommy

Oh peanut. I can't wait to spend these holidays with you. Now that you are a little older, you understand so much.

He didn't exactly know what a pumpkin was, but knew it was something really cool when we put it in his lap and he looked up and smiled.

I can't wait to go and cut down a tree... make a fire.. listen to Christmas music with you. Have you open presents! That papas and I are amped.
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